Innovation powered by the subconscious

Traditionally, innovation requires “some THOUGHT”… And no doubt, the operating word is “BRAINstorming” .

But in reality, how easy it is to THINK our way out of the proverbial box? (Anyone who tried to stop thinking about the color green has an idea… right?)

True, some thought is needed in any innovation. On the other hand, from Archimede to Newton and Marie Curie, life has shown us that the magic happens pretty much when we forget about our problem and we tune into something else, more like intuition or gut-feeling.

Welcome to Creative UnThinking, a unique approach to innovation, which taps into the power of the subconscious.

This approach helps unlock the creative genius of a team with the help of specific methods which by-pass the mind.

Through customised techniques of meditation and self-hypnosis, we support people to access the magic of their subconscious, from where un-thought of connections and ideas can freely bubble up.

Our magic

All traditional innovation processes have a focused structure:

Brief → Insights → Ideas → Prototypes → Test.

We love these steps as they make sure that all creative actions have relevance and purpose. That is why we follow this structure in all innovation endeavours we support. This is the part where we let the mind do its work and we put a lot of thought in designing these steps for your particular challenge.

To that, we add our magic:

we amplify the power of each innovation step through tailored meditation and self-hypnosis techniques that unlock the immense creative potential of the subconscious.

Here is what you can expect from this approach:

Unearthing powerful insights

We all know that great ideas start with great insights.

For this purpose, all traditional innovation processes diligently guide the team to observe the consumers and empathise with them. We do all that and we take it one notch further, which makes a world of difference.

With specific self-hypnosis exercises, we support people to connect with their own life experiences and needs, which makes them in turn deeply insightful and subtle in understanding the needs of the consumers. This way, we lay the ground for high-quality insights, the kind that goes far beyond the usual research studies.

Opening the mind to the free associations you need

Did you know that the idea of the familiar Velcro came from the cockle-burs stuck on someone’s pants?

Brilliant ideas emerge from connecting our challenge with other worlds. To open people to these connections, many creativity exercises have been designed in the world.

We’ve realised all these techniques are still limited, as most people don’t find it easy to step outside the cloud of their routine thoughts about work and life.

That is why we created powerful cocktails of creativity exercises with meditation and self-hypnosis techniques. The subconscious has huge potential to free-associate, make surprising connections and bring us the right solution. We just need to make a connection with it.

Energising the team behind a winning idea

Many great ideas have never seen the light of day because the people behind them, even though moved by the power of an idea, have not connected inside with their ability to bring it to life.

Through specific reflective exercises combined with meditation techniques, we constantly address the motivation of the team. We bring to the forefront the inner barriers and use them as springboards to improve and refine ideas. The result is better defined ideas, with much more motivated people behind them.

Tapping into the resourcefulness of relaxation

It sounds counter-intuitive to talk about relaxation when we want to MAKE something, right? Except that relaxation is the bread-and-butter of any creative act, as specialists agree.

Yet, tell someone to relax on a working day and it will be like asking an ER doctor to stop and smell the flowers. Not do-able.

We use short meditation techniques to create this change of state in the team throughout the day. This makes it easy for people to open themselves up to possibilities never considered before, connections never made and solutions to what seemed un-solvable.

In short:

Merging the strengths of conventional innovation process with the access to the immense reservoir of creativity that is our subconscious, Creative UnThinking can take you to the next disruptive, powerful, yet implementable idea.


We offer customised innovation processes for big and small companies, as well as for individuals. We use techniques which by-pass the restrictions of the mind and breath creative easiness into any project.

Creative UnThinking Workshops

They are processes we design and facilitate for companies from any realm of business (FMCG, Services, Retail) who are looking for new product ideas, marketing solutions or process improvements.

Such a journey takes 2-4 days, depending on the complexity of the challenge, and on its way we:

  • support you to create the optimum team for your task

  • design the innovation journey that fits your challenge

  • guide your team through each of the steps and support the insightfulness and creativity of everyone with effective meditation and hypnosis techniques.

Creative UnThinking Sprints

Suitable for creative agencies, marketing consultancy companies, as well as for any project team that is looking for a quick solution to a problem.

These are 1-1.5 days workshops for situations where some preliminary work has already been done on the challenge at hand and only a boost of creativity is needed to jolt the team from understanding the situation to finding solutions.

We combine creativity exercises with meditation/hypnosis techniques for a powerful sprint that will unlock new perspectives and connections and create the space for the right solution to emerge.

Creative UnThinking for Individuals

The power of this approach lands itself to supporting individuals in solving personal challenges.

Long-standing questions like “How to turn my passion into a business?”, “How to have more time for myself without jeopardising my finances?”, “How to really live a healthy life?” can finally be answered in this journey of 4 half-day sessions.

In this process we guide you, steps-by-step, into understanding your challenge better, seeing through the inner barriers you may not even be aware of and unlocking your creativity to create an action plan you’ll feel excited about.

Who we are

We bring together a background in business, marketing and innovation with a passion for meditation and self-hypnosis as a way to unlock the immense human potential for creativity.

We decided to put our expertise together out of the joy of contributing to progress through innovation. Also we love to support people to create, as we know the fulfilment feeling that this simple act can bring to anyone’s life.

Dr. Nidal Moughrabi
Executive Coach, MD
Peak performance and perfect health for people in high pressure professions

More details on my About me - page 

Alina Ionescu
Work related Relationship Coaching

Being a marketer for 18 years, Alina Ionescu has been working with international and local businesses, from beer to confectionaries and soft drinks. Over the most of the 10 years spent with Coca-Cola Company, she led and co-led a diversity of innovation processes for product, packaging and promotional activities.

In 2013 she started to develop a passion for meditation, as she discovered how much it supports her in creating a better life (connecting with others, as well as being creative). In 2018, she switched gears and became a Relating Coach and Meditation Facilitator.

Creative UnThinking is for her the perfect merger between all of her passions - marketing, creativity, understanding people - and dives into it with excitement and joy.

Do you have any questions or requests?

We are looking forward to hearing from you.